Religious Education
Mrs S Hutchinson Edgar (Subject Co-ordinator)
Mr S Deane
Mr J Milofsky
Mr C Rankin
Subject Overview
Religious Education (RE) aims to develop a range of skills and capabilities in preparing pupils for life and work. As a subject, Religious Education helps to encourage critical thinking and supports pupils in preparing reasoned and evidenced arguments. Pupils are given the opportunity to gain cultural understanding and to see faith and belief as interconnected with society both locally and globally. Pupils acquire a deep appreciation of the diverse beliefs, values and traditions which contribute to the communities and cultures in which we live. Furthermore, pupils are exposed to ethical and moral debate and have the opportunity to understand how moral decisions are formulated alongside the theory behind various schools of ethical thought.
Junior Cycle
At The High School we follow the new Junior Cycle Syllabus for Religious Education which focuses “on developing knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values to enable young people to come to an understanding of religion and its relevance to life, relationships, society and the wider world”. (Curriculum online)
This new course has three strands. These are Expressing Belief, Exploring Questions and Living our Values. At Junior Cycle level pupils have the opportunity to explore the major world views that shape our world. The course embraces diversity and inclusivity in its content and approach.
We use a range of resources to enhance student understanding ‘of’ and ‘from’ religion which includes the use of A World of Beliefs, written by Ms S Hutchinson Edgar (Subject Co-ordinator). Multimedia resources, including computer-based learning are used to encourage project and research work.
A Classroom Based Assessment is carried out in Forms 2 and 3. CBA 1 is on A Person of Commitment and CBA 2 is on how Art, Archaeology, and Architecture show the way in which people have searched for meaning and purpose in life.
Form 4 - Transition Year programme
This is a six week course which exposes pupils to some of the big questions of life. Key topics which are covered are:
- Moral and Ethical Issues
- Philosophy
During this course pupils have the opportunity to develop their debating skills and the art of formulating a well-balanced argument.
Senior Cycle
Pupils who study RE at Leaving Certificate have an opportunity to delve into the big questions of life. The syllabus includes a section on ‘The Search for Meaning and Values’. This section allows pupils to examine philosophers including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Nietzsche and Camus. Choices of other sections include World Religions, Moral Decision Making, Christianity, Religion and Gender, Issues of Justice and Peace, Religion and Science and more.
At Senior Cycle pupils also complete coursework, allowing the opportunity for personal research.
Leaving Certificate RE is a good subject for those interested in taking an Arts Humanities degree at third level. It develops skills of interpretation, analysis, critical thinking, and logic.
Career Opportunities
- Teaching
- Publishing
- Community Work
- Social Work
- Heritage/Culture
- Law
- Journalism
- NGOs
- Youth Work/Chaplaincy
Additional information
Religious Education at The High School reflects our mission statement in seeking to develop the full potential of all. Classes are mixed ability and students explore how many religions, and non-religious worldviews, have shaped the Ireland we live in today. The High School values the teaching of World Religions so that pupils can further their understanding of the multi-cultural world in which they live and learn to respect each person’s choice of belief with genuine awareness and appreciation.